31 July 2003

Kidz (6)

As I walk into town, a young mother is coming the other way. The young child in her arms is at the "naming of things" stage - pointing at everything he sees, enunciating its name vigorously. His mother replies diligently, but clearly on autopilot.

Child: Gaaa! Gaaa!

Mother: That's right - car.

Child: Ka! Ka! Ka!

Mother: A cat - yes.

Child: Ree! Ree!

Mother: Yes, Kyle - a tree.

Child: Uss! Uss!

Mother: A bus is coming, is it?

Child: Ikk! Ikk!

Mother: Lot's of bricks.

Child: Gaaa! Gaaa!

Mother: Another car.

They are getting close to me, will pass me in a moment. Mother shifts her grip, rotating him slightly. He points straight at me, from about two metres away.

Child: Ogg! Ogg!

Mother: Yes ... no, Kyle - not "dog" - "man"!

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